Wednesday, March 31, 2004

They've deciphered the rat's genome. Great. Hopefully we can look forward to some sort of super rat, with an insatiable lust for cheese. The rat will raid all of the cheese factories of Wisconsin, eating a few people along the way because they were too close to the cheese. We will no longer be known as the "cheese state," but instead as the "We've got a Giant Rat" state. It will be a wonderful transformation and we will throw a party to celebrate.
The Rat Link

In other news, Mr. BenJammin Hotz and I did some recording yesterday. We started out trying to finish off a song I did a long time ago, originally recorded on a computer that is currently... Actually I don't know where it is. It used to belong to Jesse Fillmer, but it may very well be in Adam Dudenhoefer's possession for the moment. Either way, we attempted to re-do it, so to speak, and I gave it a little different style vocally. I thought it sounded like shit. We recorded a freestyle session that came out pretty well, and we're getting started on a (hopefully) very powerful Anti-Bush anthem. I'll post the lyrics in here once they're finished, I've got one verse and the chorus done so far. The music is HILARIOUS. You can literally picture Bush wearing a straw hat, chewing on a corn cob pipe, just stomping around with an army of narrow minded politicians at his side. I love it. We may need to add a little bluegrass or banjo, though, now that I think about it. Maybe some samples from old westerns. Yes.. these Ideas are tasty.
Ate at Fazoli's last night. The bread sticks just can't come quick enough, can they? Spring and I then watched "The In-Laws". Great flick. It's good to know that Michael Douglas can break away from being the creepy old guy married to that real hot young woman, if only for an hour and a half. Fell asleep, woke up, took her back into town, came home, fell asleep, woke up around 12 something today. I am a bum. But a bum that kicks knowledge and drops science, so back up off bia.

More later.

Air America Radio

Monday, March 29, 2004

Yahoo! News - Poor Little Fat Kids

It's 3:03 AM.
Quite an interesting hour.

Television is ridiculous. Anime is even more ridiculous. Nerds.
Wow, this is just plain nonsensical. I have a flower in my stomach, I can't run from it, If I trip on this staircase then surely I will plummet, and just to sum it all up into one pretty little package, I only wanted a scratcher for my back itch. Scratch scratch scrikkity scrazza scratch - I stole your brain, rolled it in cocaine, and slapped it with a nicotine patch. I play my bitches like I play Jeopardy, though it's those same bitches that treat me like I've got leprosy,
Plus I'm getting sodomized by Alex Trebek,
He's whispering daily double in my ear while tightly grasping my neck..
I GET NO RESPECT, bellows Mr. Dangerfield,
Wait until you get a taste of exactly what my anger yields,

Good night.

WIL WHEATON DOT NET: symphony in c

another blog. he keeps his updated.

Saturday, March 27, 2004

hotz84: do you know what we should do?
psychokng: ?
hotz84: move to california

psychokng: I hate it here, that's pretty much a given
hotz84: i just think there are many more opportunities out there
hotz84: plus, i truly believe part of living out here means being sick a lot
hotz84: cold, flu
hotz84: runny nose
hotz84: chapped lips
hotz84: cold mornings in cold cars
hotz84: snow drifts throwin you off the road
hotz84: dumb cops
hotz84: isolated environments
hotz84: lack of diversity
hotz84: IM SICK OF IT
psychokng: oh i know..
psychokng: i know...

Well, it's true. I love the Midwest, for certain reasons. The people are kind, the air is clean, there isn't an over abundance of folks. At the same time, though, it lacks in so much. I wouldn't be back here right now, had it not been for the incident with the long board and my collar bone. With a certain perspective, I could see myself being a very different person right now had I moved straight to Santa Cruz/San Francisco and just stayed there, instead of being stranded with no real transportation in Truckee. Don't get me wrong, Tahoe/Donner has some beautiful scenery, but without a car the terrain makes it impossible to travel. When I go back, or go where ever it is that isn't here, I will be taking a car. Surviving without one for the amount of time that I did is surprising to me. The S10 wasn't mine, and I suck at manual transmissions. A motorcycle would have been handy. This is all irrelevant, really. It's time for me to change some things. I sit here and waste away, wondering if I am going to make a difference in the long run. Is my having existed going to put so much as a scratch in the grand scheme of things? Through my expression, will I gain immortality? Is art the key to truly keeping yourself alive. We're not just dust in the wind, but we are carbon based life forms existing in a universe that relates a millenia to the blink of an eye.

In other news, I'm uncomfortable as of late. I'm not sure why. Sometimes you need to gain perspective, and by not dipping into the realm of psychotropics I am grasping reality this morning. I have chosen not to indulge, and the absence of such a haze is rejuvinating. Clarity is key in times like this. Open the window, take the door off of the hinges, and knock out that wall. We need room to breathe.

Friday, March 26, 2004

I've got a few leads on things to do this evening, though it is still very much an "up in the air" situation. I just arrived home and gorged out a bit on a sandwich and some Matt's cookies. The dog barks, the air is thick, and in walks a mother. Hello. Hey. Woops, dialogue. Anyway, it appears as though abortion and breast cancer are not linked, which is good news for whores. Not that every woman who has an abortion is a whore, but I would argue that the girls with a running "abortion tally" tattooed on their back have reason to be happy. Another drab day in this terrible journal. I'm not very good at this, since most of my writing has been done in multiple notebooks as of late. Keeping tabs on an internet journal just seems far less important.

Guardian Unlimited | Online | Chatrooms separate the men from the boys

Chatrooms are like electronic "Fight Clubs". Interesting observation.

I've gotta go, Soccer game with Nick. Better be good or I'm stealing their ball.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

What a day of absolute nothing. Failed attempts at contacting fellow emcee Raw Joey. Awkwardness on account of sleepiness and being completely burned out. Note to self: quit smoking in the morning, it bogs you down. Write a bit more. If you don't stop acting like a little bitch, you'll wear this fucking bib forever.

At least I was never given a high chair.

If I have to listen to another insignificant ignorant hick talk about Ted Nugent, hunting, trucks, Jesus, freedom, guns, Dumb Arabs, the French being weak, or how evil gays are, I swear I'll just straight up slit some throats. Learn something you uneducated fucks. I'm sick of these people plaguing our world. Some would call it being just as narrow minded as they are, but I just call it a strong hate toward idiots.
Shannon is grumpy, I'm grumpy, phone conversation cut short. I could definetely go for a fresh opium poppy. Just huge and delicious, sink my teeth in and drink the sap. Then I could sleep.
For now I leave you with this thought:
I'll float until I find a buoy with an amazing array of lights. The anchor is a battery, and the chain is an extension chord. This will be my friend, now. Hello "Blinky".

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Find me some tasty corn bread and I'll find you my soul.