I can’t sleep. The very idea of sleep has now materialized itself into a Pterodactyl and that suave reptile is swooping and diving all over this room. Ben Harper just had a blind man choir on the Dave Letterman Show, and the solo blind guy went off completely. They just had to end on him singing, and the band didn't know what to do because he just kept right on going. Strangely, I foresaw it all the second the blind man stood up. I was thinking, "Wow, this is his show now, the blind guy is up. He's up and he's not stoppin'." To his credit, that man had soul. Moreso than Ben Harper, who just stood there looking bewildered and concerned. Concerned, most likely, for his image. Staring into the studio audience, he searched hard for anyone who may have been impressed or compelled.
Ok.. Nothin..
Wait for it..
A simple applause? Anything? Oh come on, not this awkward silence. DAMNIT!
Eh, it happens in show biz. I liked what I saw, which was essentially just the end where the old man stood up. In general, I'm not a big fan of Harper and some people may find that odd. I find odd people inside of Ben Harper, so it's all square.
Can't the collapsed raps of past cats come back and produce a sound strong enough to move the children?
when will they learn that only they can stop the burn if you just turn yourself around and cease to kill friends?
put down that steel young man
About that Pterodactyl